Make sure you have latest graphics drivers installed.If that doesn't work, you can try the Gyroflow-linu圆4.AppImage, but the.Download Gyroflow-linu圆4.tar.gz, extract the files somewhere and run.Fixed BRAW playback when shooting in VFR.Fixed MXF parser to handle corrupted files.Fixed QML loading error on some Windows machines.Fixed loading lens profile when mixing main camera with gyro data from another camera.Fixed running on macOS when Rosetta was installed.Fixed batch lens profile processing in the calibrator.Fixed VQF integrator when gyro data length didn't match the video length.Fixed loading of gyro data from project file, if original file was moved.Fixed stabilization off view when input stretch is used.Fixed fetching metadata from Blackmagic and RED files in the Calibrator.Fixed autosync in CLI and render queue in some cases.Fixed exporting 10-bit HEVC on macOS Ventura.Added all lens profiles submitted by the community.Added additional shortcuts for playback (F2 to F6).Added official lens profiles for GoPro Hero 5 Session and Hero 5 Black.default.gyroflow preset is now applied in the render queue as well.Increased split parts detection from 20 to 99 parts.Calibrator: Added "Sensor is global shutter".Calibrator: "Calibrated by" field is now saved.Calibrator: Show warning message with tips when calibration fails.Calibrator: Show current and average sharpness.Added ability to change IMU rotation to quaternions.Added ability to apply low-pass filter to quaternions.

Changed default ProRes and DNxHR profile to HQ.Saving a project file no longer hangs the app, instead an loader is shown.Added ability to specify compatible crop modes in lens profile.Added lens information in Video information panel.Changing center offset without zooming is now allowed.Added parser for binary data produced by esp-gyrologger.Added ".gyroflow" file type association on macOS.Added a way to set RAW decoding resolution both in preview and processing.Added an indicator of "black borders in view" on the timeline as a red overlay, for cases when "No zooming" is used.Increased max resolution for ProRes to 16384x16384.Added the ability to copy lens info by double clicking on the text in Lens profile section.Added notification sounds (on success and on error).Changed default IMU integration method to VQF.Added true full screen mode (F11 twice).